
Monday, August 9, 2010

I was feeling "guilty " at not posting since I got on board - but it really is so overwhelming - and with the jetlag - I was actually telling my body to keep up!!!!!! I should have my laptop set up later so will put some pics up too. Im off now to buy a "pets at sea" - this is wehre you make your own stuffed animal haha and its so cute. Then meeting J at 4 to go and take some pics, then tonight I have hairspray and frozen in time the ice skating show. Theres so mnay things to do - if you are not up with the compass and daily happenings first thing in the morning - or even the night before - you can miss alot of things. The pizzas place is so yum - as much pizza as you want - have looked at the cupcake cupboard and donut shop but havent eaten any yet. Am yet to try the famous roast beef sandwich. The shops are good and some excellent bargains - on things such as alcohol, jewellery, Oasis products etc. Ballon man isnt on board still so maybe he did jump oveboard? I might do a reinactment of him at his pole later and get J to take a pic hahahah. Well off I go - more later

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAHHA ballon man!!!! haha omg these have made me laugh so much! im reading them in spare as i have nothing to do as i leave tomorrow! and im laughing and friends are reading over my shoulder and laughing too!! i wish i was there to experience it all and to shop, it sounds just like we imagined it!!! :D hahaha
    LOVE YOU SO MUCH! give jes a hug and hello for me xxx
